Online Workouts: Ballet Barre Pilates
Ballet Barre Pilates workout videos increase your upper and lower body strength with low impact, highly-targeted movements—they also are the perfect way to shape your glutes, legs and calves! This at-home ballet barre workout combines the sculpting elements of Pilates, the toning benefits of Barre, and the low impact benefits of Bodyweight exercise.

Pilates & Barre Instructor Courtni Gidish

Our A-list instructors will inspire you with motivating, energizing exercise routines perfect for any time of day and all from the comfort of your own home. Enjoy the hottest boutique fitness methods conveniently with BodyselfieTV’s online streaming classes, with no equipment necessary. All you need is your own bodyweight and space for a yoga mat!
Our A-list instructors will inspire you with motivating, energizing exercise routines perfect for any time of day and all from the comfort of your own home. Enjoy the hottest boutique fitness methods conveniently with BodyselfieTV’s online streaming classes, with no equipment necessary. All you need is your own bodyweight and space for a yoga mat!

Pilates & Barre Instructor Jeni DelPozo
Take a Peek at our Ballet Barre Pilates Workout Videos
Our members enjoy unlimited access to the hottest fitness videos. You’ll discover how to maintain perfect form and endurance along the way, with expert guidance from our encouraging instructors. All workouts are perfect for beginners to advanced, and modifications are provided for every fitness level.
Start Now & Join Our Boutique Fitness Community!
By subscribing to BodyselfieTV, you’ll gain exclusive access to unlimited Ballet Barre, Sculpt, Mat Pilates, Stretch, Bodyweight classes and more, all for just $22 a month.

What Is Ballet Barre Pilates?
Ballet Barre Pilates full-body workouts and exercises will change your body and create long, strong muscles and a leaner look. This series of combination workouts helps build and sculpt muscles, supports beautiful posture and teaches you to move with ease and grace. If you’re seeking highly effective, low-impact fitness that’s as fun as it is intense, then you’re in the right place!
What you learn in an at-home ballet barre workout will inspire and enhance your everyday life. Posture, flexibility, energy, upper and lower body strength are all greatly improved by Ballet Barre Pilates workouts. Achieve great results in less than one hour a day. Challenge yourself to 4-5 workouts per week!
Virtual Boutique Fitness at BodyselfieTV
At BodyselfieTV, you’ll enjoy a personalized boutique fitness experience that allows you to customize your workouts from the comfort of home, without having to go to a boutique fitness studio or gym. Save time and money, while getting into your best shape ever, and let our expert instructors become your fitspiration!
When you join the BodyselfieTV community, you’re able to choose from Bodyweight exercises, Ballet Barre workout videos, Mat Pilates classes, Stretch and so much more to motivate you to become your best self! Bodyselfie workouts prepare your body to move better in every way while offering plenty of wellness benefits to your body, no matter your fitness background.